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AI Content Detector | Free GPT Zero AI Plagiarism Checker - GPTZero

Human or AI Plagiarized from ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini?

Identify the true source of your text, whether it's AI-generated from chatgpt, gpt-4o, gemini, claude or written by a human. Verify the originality of content by checking for AI Plagiarism.

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AI Detector Tool by GPTZero

GPTZero is free and best AI Detector also known as AI Checker that will detect AI and check origin of the text content and breakdown it whether text content originates from AI models like ChatGPT, GPT-4o, Gemini, Claude or if it's written by a human. This tool analyzes writing patterns, tone, and repeated phrases to determine the origin. While no tool can guarantee 100% accuracy, GPTZero offers a reliable way to differentiate between AI-generated and human-written content.

Why Use GPT Zero AI Detector?

GPTZero AI Detector uses an advanced neural learning method in AI content detection systems to ensuring to achieve the prediction result most accurately and reliable.

With our continuous development in AI technology and training, our AI detector tool trying to achieve high levels of accuracy in identifying content written with the help of AI tools such as ChatGPT, GPT4, Google Bard, Jasper, Undetectable AI and other AI generative method.

Detect AI


Copy and paste the text content or upload text file to check for AI.


Once you have done step1, simply click on the "Detect Origin" button.

Check Results

GPT Zero will analyze the content using its AI detection algorithms.


What is AI Plagiarism Checker?

AI plagiarism checker known as analyze AI generated text content from various types of text form such as documents, articles and website content. AI Detector can accurately tell you the source and authenticity of the content by detecting the text provided or uploaded as a text file.

Our AI Plagiarism Checker support detection of text origin from multiple platform whether it is ChatGPT, GPT3.5, GPT4, Bard, and others AI model. Our AI Content Detector tool developed using advanced algorithms of Machine Learning to identify AI-generated content in each paragraph and sentence. The delected AI text will be display and highlight such content in different colors to identify it easily along with detailed reports that analysis the overall given text content.


AI Detector and ChatGPT Checker

AI plagiarism checker nothing different from AI detection Tool for detecting content flagged as AI plagiarized that means it was generated or written with the help of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, Jasper, or Undetectable AI. It compares the text provided against a large database of sources to identify similarities or matches with AI writing pattern. The AI detector built with providing users with detailed reports highlighting potential of AI plagiarism content.

While a simple plagiarism checker used to match the existing text content that already on the web or created by someone else, it can identify your content as copied or duplicate or plagiarized or unoriginal content when matched.

On the other hand, AI content checker are same as AI Plagiarism for Detecting AI content by using advanced machine learning algorithms to identify the AI writing patterns, tone and repeating words that are identical if the content created by AI Writing Tools like ChatGPT, GPT3.5, GPT4, Bard, Jasper, Undetectable AI and others.


What is Chat GPT Zero Detector?

The Chat GPT Zero Detector use an advance neural learning method in AI content detection systems to ensuring to achieve the prediction result most accurately and reliable.

With our continuous development in AI technology and training, it trying to achieve high levels of accurate prediction in identifying ChatGPT-written content. Our ChatGPT Checker achieving the accuracy up to 90% in detecting generative content created with the help of ChatGPT, GPT4, Bard, Jasper, Undetectable AI and other AI generative method.

FAQs on our ChatGPT Checker

How does GPTZero detect ai?

GPTZero utilizes NLP techniques, a deep learning methodology trained using various text datasets sourced from ChatGPT, Bard, Jasper, and other AI datasets, to identify pattern recognition techniques which utilized by such AI writing tools. Our AI Content Detector is capable to detect origin of the content used to produced by such AI Tools.

AI detection tool such as ChatGPT Detector or AI checker analyze the text deeply by scanning the given content for identify writing patterns, tone and similar repeating words. And compare the content against a large dataset of AI and human text samples to identify differences and content originality.

Can AI Detector detect plagiarism?

Yes, AI Detector can check for AI plagiarism. It will check content flagged as AI plagiarized that means it was generated with the help of AI tools such as ChatGPT, GPT4, Google Bard, Jasper, or LLM.


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